Monday, November 21, 2011

The Best Spinner

Hands-down the BEST built-in thesaurus with hundreds of thousands of entries added by REAL users writing real-world articles!The fastest, easiest interface for spinning articles and creating unique content with lightening speed.Unlimited nested spinning — go as many levels deep as you want. Different color coding for up to four nested levels.Fast individual article rewrites with the built in “word replacement” functionality.Full-sentence and paragraph spinning.Allows saving “Favorite” synonym lists for terms you commonly use in your articles — and replaces them ALL with one click of a button.Allows using all users’ “Favorite” synonym lists to really kick-start your article spinning!


  1. Hi there,

    Are you still active on Fiverr?

  2. NO, I am not. Fiverr has too many glitches and removes gig's like crazy.


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